Between stimulus and response there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
~ Victor Frankl

Therapy for Anxiety

Our nervous system is wired to keep us safe from threats and danger.

Anxiety protects us and can be a source of wisdom and protection; it only becomes troublesome when this defense system overreacts to the scale of the threat.

When our nervous system becomes over-stimulated, it is usually because we have experienced trauma or chronic stress.

As a result, we become hyper-vigilant, perceiving everything as a threat or constantly preparing ourselves for an imminent attack.

Anxiety Therapist in Charlotte, NC

We may suffer panic attacks, engage in constant worry or perform repetitive behaviors with the idea they will keep us safe.

We become frightened of the physical symptoms of anxiety because we feel a sense of helplessness to control them; we may lose our ability to be emotionally present for others because of persistent worry or think we are having a heart attack.

I begin treatment by educating clients on the body’s reflexive physical reaction to perceived threats and assist in identifying practical skills to better manage these symptoms so they are less frightening and overwhelming.


Using techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Psychodynamic Theory, I help clients identify the thought patterns that promote anxiety.

Usually, these are thought patterns we learned as children to try and ward off chronic stress and/or abuse.

Once we understand how these patterns came to be, we can make more informed choices about their effectiveness in protecting us and those we love as well as the “cost” of engaging in them.

Together we identify alternate strategies to utilize when facing struggle and uncertainty.

Man holding his anxious thoughts outside of himself - anxiety therapist charlotte nc

Ready to Get Started?

Reach out to schedule an appointment or for more information.